Heh, let me try to explain: (*deep breath*)
!&@!$* Imgur just casually deleted all the pics which explained the post. (i.e, the twelve in the thumbnail above)
To be clear, the post in question was a review I made about a year ago, upon a wonderful, unique book by one of the greatest creative teams in modern BD for my money, i.e. Kerascoët.
Now, I always try to back up my post content locally, but I just can’t find my Satania backup across hard-drive A or hard-drive B, daggit!
So “flippin’ feckin” says I, but did anyone happen to see that post and save the images? If so, you would be my hero, because I’d love nothing better than to repost and improve that review. ❤️
Thanks if so, mateys.
I know it doesn’t help now but imgur cannot be counted on. Does your instance still not allow uploads? Maybe an alt for that?
Bah, I typed so much in response that it became its own post!
(hope you can see that)