Someone quit by taking a shit on the floor, right out in the open. Fortunately not near where I was, but I commend them for doing what many probably wished about.
That one guy took responsibility for their own fuckup.
I’m sorry, I’m pulling your leg here, we all know this is too crazy to happen.The CEO got high on crack and was on a rampage, knocking shit over, yelling etc. and then shat his pants. It got worse when he saw that he was running out of crack and didn’t have the cash to buy more, so he got online and made an announcement that Unity would be charging per install because he needs the money for more crack and hookers. Crazy day.
Construction company we made a few foundation pads and the supervisor who was an asshole, came to check the electrical installation conduit, so he pulls his plan and goes to one conduit end that is supposed to go all the way to the other side, so he yells at one of the workers to blow on the other conduit and wants to listen for air coming out on his end.
Guy on the other end blows, nothing happens on this side, the asshole supervisor yells “Blow Harder” so the construction worker obeys and gives a big strong blow on his end. Well nobody saw this coming, someone had urinated in the pipe so all pee comes out and squirts his face in front of everybody.
Since we hated him we were all laughing our souls out of our bodies. :) The supervisor, didn’t say a word and walked away furious.
Coworker (IT guy) went into a meeting room, turned on the computer, but not the monitor, and then returned to his office. Then he waited for another co-worker to enter the meeting room. The IT guy then remotely connected to the meeting room computer from his desk, logging in as the person in the meeting room - no idea how he got the password. He then made some very strange modifications to seemingly random employees time sheets and left a homophobic email in the drafts of a lesbian co-worker. Then he tried to cover his tracks by erasing some logs, logged out, and went on his merry way.
The changes were noticed the same day and I was asked to investigate. The only reason I looked thoroughly enough to figure it out was because the logs were erased, otherwise I probably would have stopped digging once the CCTV footage and time sheet modification logs matched up. He forgot to wipe the logs of his own machine showing the remote connection to the meeting room PC just before the changes were made. I was digging through his computer’s logs while sitting across from him, it was a bit surreal.
From what I heard, he gave no reason for why he did what he did. I don’t think he really had one.
Ok serious one. I used to work nightshifts in a gas station. One night, a woman turns up who was beaten by her partner. It’s really something else to see someone’s face that swollen and fucked up. Movies don’t capture it realistically. You can get somewhat of an idea when you watch UFC, but this was another level. Heartbreaking. It’s like her partner was trying to physically dehumanise her, she was really not looking human.
She didn’t have any money so I let her pump $40 gas and she said she would pay it later (she didn’t). I wrote the whole thing down and explained to my boss in the morning. He wasn’t worried about the gas and said sometimes you have to do these things.
I offered to call the police etc but she didn’t want to. It irritates the fuck out of me that people stay with abusive partners. Take care of you and your own, and get rid of anyone in your life who is toxic.
This was in an area where teenagers would turn up at 3am asking to buy lightbulbs, and not the frosted kind.