Well, they later said that it wasn’t legal for the military to help, but I don’t remeber exaktly why
Due to this incident the military was heavily limited in how they could help the police
Later the laws changed again to allow the police to get some help from the military but only in very specific cases where the police were the one in control of the military (the police could order the military what to do, and not the opposite).
I think they can help with transports and such but I don’t why that is needed.
If I remember correctly the government is trying to change the laws regarding this.
Instead of fixing the root causes of gang violence, Sweden is about to turn itself into a militarized surveillance state.
The protection cited in the article is for buildings. Alright? No one is becoming a militarized surveillance state over buildings being protected by the military.
This is a prime minister wanting to look strong in tough times, not a country becoming a surveillance state.
this is what communist immigration policies get you
The immigration isn’t the problem. The problem is this awful solution from the current government.
and maybe you want to look at France and its “no-go zones” filled and controlled by (MOSLEM) immigrants
or how about England, Denmark, Germany…same story
European nations get middle eastern oil and cheap labor for their companies
and this is the price
Someone ban this fascist
What the fuck are you talking about? The communist nations of the world have notoriously tight immigration and emigration policies.
Loose immigration policy seems to mostly be a Western construct.
the eu is crypto communist
their agenda has been for many years to destroy european (white) society by flooding europe with non white, esp moslem from the southYou’re delusional