Curiosity only.
Here in Brazil it’s very common to have several showers a day. I, for example, take two. The first is when I wake up, before I go to work, and the second is when I get home from work. I wake up at 6.30am and get home at 8pm.
edit: I said bath, but I meant shower.
1 + 1 after heavy exercise
In winter I might skip a day here or there, as it can help dry skin.
I used to do it right before work so I was nice and fresh for work, no I’m wfh and I do it after I finish work as an end of day barrier.
0.5 showers a day
Ah yes, the classic 7 showers every other Monday.
In this thread: People who do not grasp the intention of the question and focus on the semantics of a foreign lenguage being translated as best as possible for OP.
For this context alone: BATH = SHOWER
For all other times, yes they do mean different things.
Thanks, but it was my mistake. I’ve already edited the post.
You can edit titles on Lemmy too fyi
Damn, you work way too much. How do you even have time to post on Lemmy?
I shower around 0.5-0.75 times/day.
The biggest problem is the time I waste on public transport. My working hours are from 9am to 6pm.
Every other day, but sometimes more often depending on what I’ve been up to
Do you skip days for practical reasons or is it a personal choice? I don’t understand willingly not cleaning daily tbh.
It’s not good for your hair, you can wear a haircap, but most men wouldn’t.
Isn’t that the shampoo that’s the issue? It’s possible to shower/bathe without shampoo.
Shampoo makes it worse, by far. Depending on the shampoo, you should really only use it like once or twice a week, and that’s if you like shampoo. It’s pretty much optional, hence the new “no poo” movement.
Any old water will remove the healthy sebum oils that you want protecting your hair. Depending on the type of hair, and personal factors, you should only be washing your hair a couple times a week. Basically once it starts to feel dirty or unclean, wash it, otherwise leave it alone.
Water is really good at cleaning. People don’t realize that washing your hands with water alone will kill a lot of bacteria, and remove the vast majority of dirt and grime. Obviously please don’t give up soap… especially for your hands, just trying to illustrate how effective water is at removing things, even things it’s normally not known to mix very well with (oils).
Don’t worry, I have no intention of ceasing my soap usage.
They don’t really call it “no poo”? Silliest name possibly lmao
I’m already on the “shampoo every couple/few days as needed” train, but the keeping the hair entirely dry is admittedly new to me.