The Gemini protocol is brutally simple, which makes it just about too useless for apps, tracking, and commercial purposes. Gemtext, the format for Gemini pages, is very basic; with about half as many features as markdown, it’s barely a step above plain text. As a result, Gemini is a small universe of blogs and personal sites.

Its simplicity makes it easy for people to create compatible clients and services for it. It’s self-hosting friendly and there are also hosting services, like and some pubnixes.

Of course, you’ll need to get a Gemini browser or visit a Gemini-to-web proxy to access it.

    2 months ago

    Lol isn’t C++ insanely bloated? Surely there are more modern languages. Like Zig maybe?

    Also I mentioned I’ve written Rust and Go, which are pretty modern. I’d be interested in learning Zig if I had more time. As for the other languages, CS programs just use older languages, but it was more about learning the concepts like data structures.

    But it’s very much a right tool for the right job. JavaScript is a very good tool for front end development. C++ is a very good tool for writing a rendering pipeline or doing signal processing (I’m guessing idk I haven’t tried doing that stuff).

    But my original read in this thread was “JavaScript sucks” not “JavaScript sucks when you use it for the wrong task”. It doesn’t suck, but I agree don’t use it for the wrong task.

      2 months ago

      Missed you’re still in school, which explains a couple of things.

      Doing a little 100k lines soft is doable in any language, and you are right trying out lots of popular languages, there’s a high probability you’ll end up working with one of them.

      Okay so why is javascript crap, and C/C++ not? Javascript is just a scriptung language, it’s made for a simple front end displaying simple things, sure you can make a software with it but the reason you should isn’t about the language or the “task” but 1) what tech choice some guy did 15 years ago and now you’re stuck with it, or 2) you know how to program in javascript. No sane person is doing a javascript program otherwise (except learning maybe) because, its, and it is even in the name, a scripting language. And a very poorly made too.

      Which means you can’t do large software with it, and you’ll hit performance bottlenecks if you try. Also it will be an architectural nightmare.

      C/C++ is lots. That’s probably why you think it’s bloated, you can do anything from assembler up to template metaprogramming, so yeah, a steep learning curve if you try to master even a subset. But classes and inheritance is something you should learn anyways so if you try, I’d advice you to start there. C/C++ is extremely fast, versatile and can handle extremely large projects, but it’s also complex, and will blow your stuff up if used badly, a glass vial of nitroglycerin of sorts. Modern C++ helps a lot with the dangers of classic C/C++.

      The best language for the task (with the exception of 1) and 2) already mentioned) is probably between the two.


        2 months ago

        I’m not still in school. I graduated a few years ago. And officially I’m a “senior engineer”. Though admittedly I feel more mid-level.

        Parts of what you said are true, but I disagree with your overall sentiment. Node.js, which is extremely popular, has put JavaScript on the backend. I’ve seen large-scale backends, with no JS performance issues, written in JavaScript.

        Then you have React/React Native. I’ve heard Facebook has at least 100 thousand React components. It’s possible that’s shared across a few projects, but the point is Facebook is running massive projects with JavaScript.

        I’m writing this comment on a Lemmy client I wrote. I used JavaScript to build a universal app that is capable of rendering on the server (via Node.js) in the browser using React.js, and on native (iOS, Android, macOS) using React Native. That’s one singular codebase that I wrote that can run in 3 places. And it wouldn’t be possible without JavaScript.

        I don’t mean this in a mean way, but I would caution that you seem very locked into your ways. It’s better to keep an open mind and always be trying new languages. It might surprise you that the JavaScript of today is different than the JavaScript you were initially exposed to. And it goes for me too. I want to continue to lean and push myself out of my comfort zone.

        We can sit here and complain about how JavaScript should have never become what it is, but I’d rather finish my app before I have to clock into my 9-5 to write JavaScript professionally for 8 hours. But next time my C++ writing coworker, who manages the code for our hardware accessory, asks my opinion, I’ll be sure to tell him I’m not a real programmer because I write JS so my opinion doesn’t matter :)

        Not exactly the same, but reminds me of this

          2 months ago

          So javascript is a good language because people use it? Have you heard of Excel, windows or anything else crappy that lots of people use?

          You come about as someone trying very hard to shoehorn your opinion in here with all you got, just because you think you’re a less good programmer than C/C++ programmers. Stop being salty and learn some OOP is my recommendation if you’re not on a too high horse.

          Javascript is a shit language; no static typing, variables are global by default (only that is the most stupid thing ever…), where are the integers? Inheritance broken, And so on…

          Use typescript or something to generate your javascript at least.

          Sincerely I hopy you’re trolling!

            2 months ago

            Did you even read my previous comments? I also mentioned TypeScript. I can probably count on one hand how many lines of non TypeScript JavaScript I’ve written in the past 5 years. That’s only a slight exaggeration. Apologies if I used JS and TS too interchangeably.

            lol I’m not on a high horse. JavaScript is the best option for the types of problems I want to solve. Those problems, both professionally and outside of work, are cross-platform front-end development. I’ve also tried Flutter, just to explore the other options out there, but learning Dart feels less useful to me then other languages.

            As soon as I have a problem to solve where there is a better language than JavaScript, I’m learning that language. But I live in the real world where the only thing that really matters is the end-user experience. Try explaining to your product manager why you think you should rewrite your entire web app to C++ using Web Assembly. I bet they will laugh.

            It’s kinda funny cause this conversation makes me think C++ programmers are obnoxious. Community surrounding language is important. Not just the language.

              2 months ago

              You’re mixing up what you need to do and what is a good language. Use javascript if that’s the “best” language you know. Have I said otherwise, I think not.

              It also seems your got some beef with your collegue C/C++ developer, take that up with him!

              I have seen webassembly from C++, who knows if that was the best solution, maybe it actually was at that particular moment.

              And if you can solve all your problems in javascript, you do so, good for you. I just think it’s a bit ridiculous when people boast that “their” programming language is the “best” one. That “best language” changes all the time, you’ll see by yourself.

                2 months ago

                Literally never did I say JavaScript was the best programming language lol. I have no beef with my C++ colleague. Actually I really love picking his brain about neural networks and other stuff that he does that I don’t work on.

                I also think it’s “ridiculous” when people boast that their programming language is best. All I meant was JavaScript doesn’t deserve as much hate as it gets.

                Listen we can argue about programming languages all day, but what we can all agree on is objectively Vim is the best editor. Only losers navigate VS Code using their mouse 🤮