British stole trillions and partitioned our country but it was us, majority hindus (I am a hindu) who created this large mess that we are in. Our large section of people went for neoliberal opportunistic politics and pro western outlook and now it’s all about hindutva fascism everyday. Killings of ordinary Muslims is an “art” for hindus here. Many didn’t know but british helped to modernize Indian hindu sect. We were wretched people, burnt young women alive with their dead husband on pyre, killed dalits and lower caste people, treated them as lesser than slaves and did other heinous acts. It was some british viceroy who passed the anti sati law and widow remarriage act. Sorry to say, british took many things but we hindus were beyond savages and now the whole facade of bourgeois democracy is falling down in front of our face.
British stole trillions and partitioned our country but it was us, majority hindus (I am a hindu) who created this large mess that we are in. Our large section of people went for neoliberal opportunistic politics and pro western outlook and now it’s all about hindutva fascism everyday. Killings of ordinary Muslims is an “art” for hindus here. Many didn’t know but british helped to modernize Indian hindu sect. We were wretched people, burnt young women alive with their dead husband on pyre, killed dalits and lower caste people, treated them as lesser than slaves and did other heinous acts. It was some british viceroy who passed the anti sati law and widow remarriage act. Sorry to say, british took many things but we hindus were beyond savages and now the whole facade of bourgeois democracy is falling down in front of our face.