? (I hit the title character limit)
If everything is being perfectly simulated, most things would still be unethical.
I’d start playing around with eugenics. Selecting for intelligence, strength, etc. Really see how far you could push humans as a species in just a few generations.
Also, child developmental experiments would be huge. There’s that one study that tried to see if raising a boy and a chimp at the same time would lead to the chimp acting human. It was stopped because the boy started acting like a chimp instead. What if it had continued?
What if it had continued?
I’d resurrect the dead by simulating perfect copies of them. Now no one ever has to say goodbye ever again 😊
I mean… conversations with Einstein, DaVinci, heck… not even dead people. With Obama! Eminem! @queermunist!
I’d totally simulate myself. As far as I’m concerned, a copy of myself is as legitimately “me” as my flesh. There’s nothing that makes the simulated @queermunist less real than the one that works for a living making car parts.
We’d probably fight constantly, it’d be great lol
I’d upload everyone. I’d also give them something for their trouble, since apparently all religious people and all hardcore atheists hate the sci-fi story I wrote where humanity’s descendants resurrect everyone who ever died that was ever part of the Homo genus; the body their heart truly desires would be their VR avatar, though with delicious ironic caveats because if what your heart truly desires is money or power or fame over all other aspects, and that’s been detrimental to others, deserves to be trapped as a virtual solid gold statue or somesuch forever for being a selfish fuck.
Basically, what if heaven and hell were not places, but literally whether being your true self truly makes you happy? That hell is if you needed to rethink your shallow, fake or otherwise hollow-feeling lifestyle but didn’t do so soon enough and now you’re stuck looking and feeling like what you slowly come to hate about yourself or at least who you were when you died.
Like I said, no one ever has to say goodbye ever again.
Punishment, though? I can definitely imagine a digital copy of Elon Musk living 100 lifetimes as different underaged cobalt miners he exploited; ironic punishment with valuable lessons, so when the lesson finally sinks in he can join digital heaven with everyone else.
Hell won’t be eternal - just long enough for you to change your ways and feel remorse for what you did.
Computer, determine how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie pop and if any owls try to interfere with the experiment kill them on sight.