the famous “This incident will be reported” error was briefly removed last year before being replaced with a less ominous version.
While it was funny, it probably is for the best. Especially if a kid uses the system it might legitimately scare the shit out of them lol
I wouldn’t be surprised if a kid thought the police was gonna break in now
IMHO, that doesn’t sound any less ominous
At least it answers the question whom it will be reported to. In all likelihood the administrator is me anyway, at least on my personal devices. People won’t worry anymore that it will be reported to the police or, heaven forbid, to Santa Claus.
I noticed this, got so sad. It was one of the funniest ones for me. First time I got it I kinda laughed.
- Login as a user.
- Delete the user while still logged in
- Run command
You should get a message “you don’t exist, go away”
Not sure if that one is still around but I know one person who ran a script with “deluser $USER” and it ate root resulting in fun messages like that
There’s also the naughty programmer getting spanked by EFL
EFL is an absolute crime against programmer-kind, even if the errors are, admittedly, hilarious. can assert that they are not so funny when you find them deeeeep in some god-forsaken legacy codebase that’s seen more
null *
s than git commits lol
How could you not include the classic printer lp0 on fire!
I actually got that one around 2010 on Ubuntu. The printer wasn’t actually on fire. If I recall it was caused by the network attached printer losing connection during a job
The third one is new to me. “Congratulations” - that’s fucking hilarious.
I got so hung up on the misspelling of “separate” that I didn’t even see the “Congratulations” on first read-through. Which says more about me than about the error message, alas. 😅
score 10 or sacrifice child
is actually just a MtG card, how did that get in thereTop one has to be my favorite. I’ve gotten it once. I did manage to get it to boot and fixed it but at the time I was just like: “oh…well shit”
That’s some bare metal system breakage I can get behind
php has a log message about killing children, i think i saw once
I love Linux but this is a huge pain point for me with Linux. Just tell me actual errors like a professional OS would.
Just tell me actual errors like a professional OS would.
Professional OS: