Hang on… Is this an ADHD thing? Damn.
- for context…
I’m neuro divergent, I guess, but not ADHD. If anything I’m the opposite. I can focus of things incredibly well. I can prioritise and actuate tasks rather well.
However, you give me a dentist appointment at 2pm and I’m up at 7.30 with my coat on by 8, sat at my kitchen table until mid-day when I walk to the dentists and awkwardly stand outside for nearly an hour because that’s what I’m doing.
Yeah, I see things like this a lot and think “shit, do I have ADHD?”
There are many reasons why people experience this. It’s most definitely not only tied to ADHD. I don’t have ADHD and I have the issue in the OP as well. It’s not because I’ll get distracted and miss it, it’s because I have anxiety that I will or simply about the thing itself. I can’t fully relax until all tasks for the day have been completed even if I am not immediately anxious about it. I think that’s a pretty common human experience and it doesn’t really make sense to pathologize it.