I’m looking for easy-to-listen-to fiction audiobooks. Something I can tune in while doing other stuff without getting distracted.
I find some authors have styles that are a bit more sophisticated than others. The more thought-provoking, the more difficult I find to enjoy an audiobook while doing something else. I catch myself stopping whatever I’m doing to pay attention to the book, which is not what I want.
So for example I’ve found The Witcher books very easy to listen to, it wouldn’t matter if I missed a few seconds and I never found myself stopping to ponder about the text itself. The narrator was great too. Also bonus points as it was a long saga of books.
In contrast I would never want to listen to a Terry Pratchett book while doing something else. He’s probably my favourite English author but I find he’s too much of a genius, and my poor brain wouldn’t be able to digest it all if I’m not giving it my attention 100%.
I hope this makes sense?
How’s your experience with audiobooks?
Project Hail Mary is my #1 fav audiobook, hands down. Just don’t look up anything about it beforehand, because spoilers would really ruin it. All you need to know its about a scientist on a spaceship who has a very important mission.
This is a tremendous book. Also my favorite.
I don’t know if it fits op’s requirements of being able to work to it without focusing on it. I certainly wouldn’t want to have my first experience with this story cheapened because I wasn’t paying attention.
So entertaining, so enthralling. I love that book with all my heart.
This is also my favorite. If you haven’t yet, check out the expeditionary force. First 2 or 3 are free on audible Plus. The first half of the first book is a bit slow but once the AI moves in it gets funny as hell.
Emergency Skin is also really good, but its a short-story.
Jazz hands! Freaking excellent audio book.