A plane arrived at Makhachkala airport from Tel-Aviv today. A large crowd gathered at the airport and ended up storming the fences and breaking first into the building, and then out onto the landing ground. As can be seen in the video (see URL in the title), the crowd is waving Palestinian flags. Eyewitnesses report cars are being stopped and the passports of passengers are being checked. Reportedly, the crowd is “looking for the Jews”.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was being manufactured in some way to make Palestinian supporters look antisemitic. Just smells off that a crowd would manage to just up and overtake a runway like that, and also who actually says “looking for the Jews”?
It didn’t take long and people have already uncovered Ukrainian intelligence working with Russian dissidents behind inciting this ugly incident:
Basically we have a Russian liberal who is an asset of Ukrainian intelligence trying start a Jewish pogrom in a Muslim region of Russia to own the Kremlin…crazy times…
Black Hundreds are back.
The US and its Qatari and Saudi allies have been promoting Salafist ideology in the northern Caucasus for a long time. When Russia in the late 90s and early 00s cracked down on the terrorists and insurgents they all cried crocodile tears. Now they all act shocked that there is anti-semitism in a region in which they themselves promoted the most extreme forms of jihadi ideology in order to try and balkanize Russia.
With a big American flag and a “made in America” stamp on them
😱 wow thank you for this.
Lemmy libs of course already created the desired narrative on it.
There’s always at least one misanthropic comment amongst the libs saying that we all need to die. Classic “I’m a lib I have no solution, let’s just all go extinct”.
Sounds like they should form some kind of group of misanthropic people. Maybe call it something like “misanthropic platoon” or something.
And then follow their goddamn leader.