The former Fed stole evidence and replaced it with a brick he made with a computer.
In one of the more bizarre schemes, Hickox stole a kilogram of cocaine from an evidence locker and replaced it with a brick he’d made in a 3D printer. He sprinkled the fake brick with real cocaine in an attempt to make it look real. This is the drug-stealing equivalent of a teenager bulking up their bed with stuffed animals in the hope their parents don’t notice they’ve snuck out.
Ugh, obnoxious click bait title had me wondering how the hell can cocaine be printed. The guy didn’t “3D print cocaine,” he printed a paper weight and tried to pull an Indiana Jones swap.
3D printed cocaine is exactly what AGI will give us. It’s basically the only thing all the accelerationists are after.
Like a good DEA agent, he did sprinkle a little real coke on the fake coke to frame it tho
At least the post description here pretty much says that (unless it was edited?).
Shitty title from shitty news site though.
Real title: DEA Officer made over $420k in 5 years as a drug dealer. Gets 17 years in prison.
Protect and serve. 🫡
Thar is the motto of the NYPD. It is nothing else and cops don’t pretend that is their primary function, citizens do.