I’m trying to build my own degoogled ROM for me, so what are you suggesting? For now I’m on OpenBoard.
Definitely Florisboard as it has the most features and best theming support but I was using AnySoftKeyboard in the past and it’s okay too.
Used OpenBoard, but switched to Florisboard because OpenBoard seems abandoned and the developer of FlorisBoard came back with an update of what he’s working on. So far I’m not mad, the lack of autocorrect did make my typing much better. But as a dyslectic person I can’t wait for proper autocorrect to be implemented.
Using FCITX5 for Asian languages.
Hacker’s Keyboard. The only keyboard I’ll ever use on Android.
It hasn’t had a real release in about 5 years though. It uses a very old API so it’s slightly buggy.
I’ve been using Unexpected Keyboard lately instead. It’s the only modern keyboard I’ve found that has stuff like control and function keys. It uses swiping on keys to get more characters though, so it takes some getting used to. I had to set the swipe distance higher so I don’t have as many typos.