Hello, Im trying to monitor & control my dns in my network. I like the idea & features of nextdns but all your traffic goes trough them right? I wanna host something simular. I currently have pi-hole installed but i feel like its not as advanced as something like nextdns. What service could i use for this? Thanks for your time!
How exactly would that work? You would have to accept broken certificates or even no TLS at all for that to work.
As the person I replied to mentioned, these kind of providers would often also get you to install a cert that they’d use to sign with. Once it is installed, the certificates wouldn’t appear broken anymore.
You’d have to install a cert for each domain. It’s not likely to happen. The only provider where this works is Cloudflare but that’s because they force you to use them as registrar and DNS so they can issue duplicate certs for any domain.