Again, please tell me if there is a better way to do this.
While testing docker, frequently I need to start/stop/rm containers. I got real sick of having to ls them and copy paste the container ID.
Using this alias, I just have to remember a single part of the name of the container, and I will get the container IDs that can then be included as part of another command:
$ alias dcl='_dcl(){ docker container ls -aq -f name="$1";}; _dcl'
$ dcl snikket
So now that I’m getting a list of IDs, I can easily, for example, pause all of them:
$ docker container pause $( dcl snikket )
Error response from daemon: container is not running
Error response from daemon: container is not running
Error response from daemon: container is not running
Error response from daemon: container is not running
The containers weren’t actually running, but this shows the alias working.
dcl obviously stands for ‘docker container ls’
If the containers are related you could use docker-compose, which has commands to stop / restart/ remove all containers at once.
I use Compose even when I have a single container to run because I can put all the config bits I need into a file and can then do most of the work without remembering lots of command line options and often without even needing to mention the service name directly.
Same. I can’t remember the last time I started a docker container without a compose file.
Cool, didn’t know that!
Just tested, so you have to cd to the directory with the docker-compose.yml file in it first
you can also use the -f option to specify the compose file without going to it.
This works but I’d just create a function and use that instead of creating an alias that creates a function and then calls itself.
if your containers are created with a docker compose file you can use docker-compose to target them all
Is there a way to do this without cd-ing to the directory with the compose file first?
You can use -f /path/to/compose.yaml to call it from wherever you like.
I often just do
docker ps | awk "{print $1}" | xargs docker stop
Add some filtering in there and you’re golden
Why create the function
?You can of course do it this way too, it’s just extra typing:
docker container stop $(docker container ls -qf name=snikket)
You can use the container names to address containers. Whether this is a randomly generated name (docker run… with no --name flag), the compose working dir and service name, or the compose container_name var.
I also rarely use the container command.
is sufficient, ordocker compose ...
while in the working dir of a given compose stack.