Fifth time is the charm for me, but finally got a buckle at Devil Dog this weekend. Feeling pretty sore and limping around today, but overall very pleased that I managed to avoid another DNF!
Fifth time is the charm for me, but finally got a buckle at Devil Dog this weekend. Feeling pretty sore and limping around today, but overall very pleased that I managed to avoid another DNF!
How long did that take?
If I had to guess, it would take me 25 hours.
I mean me too but for someone who is actually trained for this I am guessing like… 12 hours would be a great time, maybe 13-14 more conservatively. Curious the actual answer now though
It’s typically a lot closer to 20 - that’s what the winning time at this race was last year.
That said, the WR for 100mi is 10:51:39 - a 6:31 pace - though that wasn’t a trail run.
The winner finished in 19 ish hrs, I was at 30.5. The first 40 mi were easy to keep a pace for around 24hr, but then as the legs got tighter, the weather cooler and wetter I couldn’t keep the pace up and had to walk the up hills.
Thanks for getting back. That’s awesome and I hope you got some good rest!