I really like cool designs.
I think of myself as a fundamentally utilitarian person, when it comes to my purchases. I buy few things, and when I do, I try to make them high-quality and affordable.
That being said, I also find compelling designs to be… Well, compelling! A few years ago I dabbled in graphic design, did a few random things, nothing major, but it was lots of fun. Whenever I see a brand or packaging that’s really cute or memorable, I really like it.
This isn’t really particularly notable, I realize. That’s the whole point of cool design, really. Still.
I know this guy—we’re in the same Discord server—and he’s a graphic designer. Or, well, he does graphic design. I was a graphic designer, then he worked in healthcare for a while, now he’s going back to design… It’s something like that, I’m not too sure. Regardless, I think the things he does are really cool.
I’m often taken by daydreams of idealism. One of these idealistic dreams is that of a single company that produces everything. Maybe it’d be more of a conglomerate? I don’t know.
When I think about that, I get butterflies~ There’s such a charming simplicity to that idea, I think.
I don’t mean to demean—how musical…—individuality, but rather suggest the idea of a baseline. I think it’d be cool for a culture to have a “uniform”—something that everyone wears—but also support individuality and expression. Maybe this is impossible? I guess the value of that kind of thing would be not much… Everyone needs basics, but if everyone wants to wear different clothes, it would defeat the point a little. Maybe.
I don’t know.
I wonder about cookware. Stainless is the way to go? I’ll have to do some research on prices.