Created an account just to say, PLEASE - keep this label as “Gulf of Mexico”. As on open community, we should not bend to the knee of a tyrant. One sad pathetic man should not have that power. I am disgusted and ashamed to be an American right now. Google, Apple, and the rest sell us out. I refused to comply. OSM must remain unbiased, and keep the name which has defined this body of water for hundreds of years. If anything I said above offends you than you need to look in the mirror.
As of revision version #85, OpenStreetMap has the following tags for Golfo de México:
To reiterate, GNIS and GNS are only relevant to an appropriately qualified official_name tag, not a name tag, because of the on the ground rule. For this kind of feature, common sense would place a lot of weight on overall common usage, since sending someone to survey the facts “on the ground” would be… difficult.
Yeah that certainly seems difficult