• FrostyTrichs@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t do it all the time but sometimes I like to do my trial seed runs over winter indoors, then monstercrop/reveg the best ones to be planted outdoors a couple months later.

    It all just depends on space and time demands but I’ve found the monstercrop plants to be easier to manage (less pruning, leaf removal, lst/hst) because they’re predisposed to growing with huge output in a better shape than most seedlings take on. The tradeoff obviously is it takes more time, space, etc to get to the point of supercropping and sometimes that stuff isn’t feasible.

    • schmidtster@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah that was the one downside I found and totally agree with. I revegged one while I was vegging another round, so by the time that one was done it was perfect to take some more clones and leave the reveg as a mother. Didn’t like having the mother personally, wanted to also have the variety.

      • FrostyTrichs@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Well take it from me, you’ll never have enough space for all your grows no matter how much space you have lol.

        I have tents and an outdoor grow and I still wish I had more space/hardware/etc to keep multiple mothers and try all kinds of new stuff.

        I’ve been trying to decide if I’m going to monstercrop some cuts from my current plants or plant fresh seeds for probably a month and I’m about at the point where I can’t put it off much longer. Decisions decisions.

        FWIW I’ve found I actually had to scale back my planting projects or it was too easy to start neglecting plants or have something silly turn into something serious. At one point I had a bunch of plants in various stages all through the house, I wouldn’t recommend it.

        • schmidtster@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          Hah, ain’t that the truth. Being legally limited to plants helps marginally. My location isn’t conducive to outdoor growing unfortunately (main road right by a hill so zero privacy).

          You sound like me, I have issues germinating seeds, but clones no issue, BUT these girls are showing signs of instability and they are the smell the wifey doesn’t like. So may have to start some seeds regardless. They are at the point I can reclone them and should be ready to go when the flower tent is done.

          I like to call that experimenting and pushing the limits of the plant. Yeah you plan for Y and than life gets in the way, now you have some colas with bud rot.

          • FrostyTrichs@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Mine was more of an issue of trying a few too many things early on (nearly simultaneously) expecting failures. When everything decided to just grow… it turned into a massive undertaking and taught me a lot of hard lessons in rapid succession.

            Stuff like bud rot can really be a downer after you’ve watched those buds swell for weeks. I’ve been there too, it sucks. Things like that are what really helped me streamline my grow spaces for the time and energy I have available. In my case, less was more.

            Sometimes people like to act like their way is the best way or the only right way but I learned right away that every plant, every space, every grow is going to be just that little bit different. What works for you might not work for me and vice versa, and to me that’s part of the challenge. Being able to experience the effect your efforts have is one of the most rewarding parts of the hobby.