If for some reason you paste a file in telegram/slack/discord/teams, it tries to send the file, so I have no way of sending the path to the file (which might be on a shared device) to someone unless I paste it in a text editor first and then copy the text.
On dolphin, you right click on it and than there is “copy path to file” button
How is it better if you are going to paste it anyway? I mean, on GNOME you would have to just copy the file, instead of the two clicks on KDE.
Am I missing something?
If for some reason you paste a file in telegram/slack/discord/teams, it tries to send the file, so I have no way of sending the path to the file (which might be on a shared device) to someone unless I paste it in a text editor first and then copy the text.
That’s a very logical use case. Are there any keyboard modifiers you could use? Maybe pasting with CTRL+SHIFT+V for example?