I feel like the real difference is that, in the past, prostitution was a bit more common, so men could just get their kicks with a woman rather then with their hand.
Prostitution is not free. Even if it was more widely available it still wouldn’t be much of a help for unemployed men. Also why bother when porn and masturbation is free and enough to take the edge off? People are willingly opting out of the dating market aswell because it’s just not worth the trouble when the alternative doesn’t even require you to leave your home.
If your client can only afford 20$ worth of service, shouldn’t he be spending it elsewhere that’s more important?
I guess more realistically “twitch thots”/onlyfans and desperate people giving them their waaay too much money.
I feel like the real difference is that, in the past, prostitution was a bit more common, so men could just get their kicks with a woman rather then with their hand.
Prostitution is not free. Even if it was more widely available it still wouldn’t be much of a help for unemployed men. Also why bother when porn and masturbation is free and enough to take the edge off? People are willingly opting out of the dating market aswell because it’s just not worth the trouble when the alternative doesn’t even require you to leave your home.
Prostitution exists at all price points.
If you’re getting laid for 20 bucks you’re most likely taking advantage of someone in a desperate situation
The same can be said for the prostitute no?
If your client can only afford 20$ worth of service, shouldn’t he be spending it elsewhere that’s more important? I guess more realistically “twitch thots”/onlyfans and desperate people giving them their waaay too much money.