My wife does this all the time, and if I don’t check before I spritz I get an unexpected ball splash.
NSFW for potential topic sensitivity I guess.
There is no valid reason for the toilet seat to ever be up when you enter the bathroom.
You close the lid before you flush, that’s why it exists.
edit: added “valid”
But after flushing I still need to check if I need to use the toilet brush
But I like seeing my turds circle the drain
I don’t like it, but watching the flush can save a whole lot of pain. Clogs suck.
Flushing isn’t exactly silent, though? The toilet getting clogged should make a very noticeably different sound.
This might be different in mostly wooden homes like in the US, but here with stone homes the majority of the noise of flushing comes from the actual water rushing into the bowl plus the tank beginning to refill. The actual drainage causes virtually no noise.
Why are you hot linking some google images bidet instead of just uploading the image to the post?
alternatively: why are you linking to an image at all and not just making a text post