Ubuntu Core Desktop will not be released alongside Ubuntu 24.04 LTS in April, as originally hoped.
Canonical doesn’t go into details about what specific issues need resolving. One imagines, given that the first Ubuntu Core Desktop release was going to be a preview and not a recommended download, it’s a myriad bugs/difficulties — ones not easily sorted.
I do. I send in bug reports when I run into one, and try to provide details and context appropriate to the problem. I don’t know how to code, so that’s about as much as I can do.
Just because Canonical has done something right doesn’t mean they are immune to blame for doing something wrong, and they have done some shit.
Linux is mainstream solely because of Canonical/Ubuntu. End of story. No, there was no WINE or Valve doing that, they were only supplemental over time.
Yes, I believe I did acknowledge that. Doesn’t mean they’re immune to blame for shit they did wrong.