The kind of stuff I do to postpone having to go to walmart
Don’t u feel like a chef tho?
This is some real gourmet shit
I’d eat it
Me being a degenerate aside, this combo is actually pretty good.
I don’t think I’ve seen that Doritos flavour in my area but if I ever get a chance I’ll try some thing. You’re a degen inspo OP <3
It’s this one particular shop n save ive been going to. They also had Sriracha flavor, and Cheeseburger flavor.
A modern take of the full english. You’ve got your beans, tortilla instead of hashbrowns, red buffalo flavoring in place of the tomato, ranch as a stand-in for sausage, and the self-loathing fills in for the black pudding.
My British coworker said something similar 🤣
Already more fiber in your diet than 90% of Americans.
Thanks g
Rate my
I always do a little warcrime in the mornings, as a treat ☺️
protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and a staple grain - feels like an exceptional and healthy choice to me
Gag reflex strongly kicking in
Ida gone with a more basic corn chip myself, not a big doritos person.
Curious, are the beans warmed up at all? Any added spices? Ill fuck up a can of beans any time of day but the barest of effort makes them more enjoyable.
On a scale of 1 to 10 id rate it pretty good. Extra marks for simplicity of prep and clean up.
Straight up cold beans
Hey OP, it’s me, Wetstew. You doing alright?
I’ll say this is more of a fart post than a shit post.
For breakfast I’m more into blackened toast with plenty butter and then a bit of marmite and then microwaved baked beans on top.
that’s gonna be a shartpost in about 5 hours
🗣 shart
Waaaay too much sodium there.
id eat it. I give it a B
What about with rice?
Make sure you microwave the can first
I want it to stick it in the rotavap but I want to avoid my coworkers hassling me w questions