There’s this person, I won’t name him, let’s call him T. T’s infamous online for stealing photos of red haired women to use for his avatars, “photos”, and his whole online persona. For instance, he will claim to look like the women, saying that he has red hair and pale skin.

People have called T out on this because a real photo of him accidentally got leaked which shows he looks nothing like how he describes himself, and his rebuttal was “I never said those photos are of me”

T will also steal voice recordings from women who have exposed him in the past, using those samples to answer questions on Reddit, and when called out for this he will respond with “I never said the voice was mine”. Some people noticed how his accent is constantly changing or his voice sounds AI generated at times, and he blames it on “foreign accent syndrome” when really what he’s doing is stealing people’s voice recordings. When people tell him he doesn’t have foreign accent syndrome and is making excuses, he makes posts claiming people are “denying foreign accent syndrome exists” while leaving out the context that he used other people’s voice recordings, to make himself look like he’s being persecuted or is a “targeted individual”.

He also is known for repeatedly making creepy comments to a forum member who he knew was barely 14, (he’s in his 20’s) requesting a story being written of him going on a date with him, saying “you’re mine” to him, and “shipping” himself with him. When people call him out on this he says “it’s slander” even though there’s links to the things he posted. Then he’ll say things like, “you cannot speak for a person’s intentions because you aren’t the proxy of their mind”

Also, when people point out that T’s real selfie and the stolen selfies aren’t the same race, he’ll claim people are being transphobic to “transracial” people, and he’ll also claim that people are being transphobic to him, even though he has never once claimed to be trans and is known for sending death threats to trans people in private message sessions.

This person does this kind of tactic a lot, and people get the impression he thinks he’s being slick, and I’m wondering if there’s a name for it.

      23 days ago

      Catfishing is the term for pretending to be someone you are not, usually online, via the use of fake or stolen pictures, identity details, life story, etc., usually for the reason of trying to lure someone else into a romantic relationship and scam them.

      But … there are hints here what this person is doing kind of… escapes that, is even more concerning.

      This person seems to simply revel in the idea of being someone they are not… just for that purpose.

      Just for the enjoyment of, or preference toward being a comoletely different person, with no specific aim beyond that.

      And we also see they are willing to lie about this when called out, and gaslight people about it.

      So, we’ve got some kind of delusion/dysphoria going on.

      ‘Transracial’ is … not a real thing, in the way this person likely means it.

      Disclaimer: Yes, race is an arbitrary, nebulous social construct… but people act as if it isn’t, we live in a society, blah blah blah.

      What transracial actually means is basically involving or encompassing multiple different races.

      A group or movement or dialogue that involves many races is transracial.

      A person who is multiracial, ie, has a racially varied ancestry, could be said to be transracial.

      What this person is probably using it to mean is that they think they are actually a completely different race than whatever society or their immediate family told them they are, or themselves at one point identified as.

      Ie, a completely white person saying ‘actually, I’m black’ or a black person saying ‘actually, I’m Japanese’, when each of these example cases has no actual ancestry that would validate that.

      So… more delusion/dysphoria going on.

      Finally… they use the term ‘targeted individual’.

      This term (or its acronym TI) is basically only used by paranoid schizophrenics who are completely convinced they have been chosen to be harassed by … some group of dedicated individuals with access to essentially supernatural technology that goes beyond science, as well as seemingly limitless resources and manpower.

      They will use this terminology and basically conspiracy theory to explain the instrusive thoughts they have, voices they hear, nonsensical actions they undertake, things that disappear or appear that they can’t explain, etc.

      Put all of this together and you have what seems to be a paranoid schizophrenic, who is manipulatve and possesive of other people whom they fantasize about, at least one of whom is a minor.

      I am not a psychologist, I am not formally diagnosing this person, but this is extremely concerning behavior, and they should probably be evaluated by an actual professional.

      This is way more concerning than just ‘that guy’s a creep’ or ‘that guy’s a loser’.