The Indian rice export ban, the war in Ukraine and El Niño are combining to create a “doom loop” for the world’s poorest people, as staple food prices soar.
The Indian rice export ban, the war in Ukraine and El Niño are combining to create a “doom loop” for the world’s poorest people, as staple food prices soar.
Me, a doomer, with pseudobulbar affect.
Log off social media for a bit there. Things aren’t great out there, but I’m being absolutely sincere that this environment is a negative feedback loop that makes it out to be even worse. We all need to step away from time to time. Come back in a week we will all still be here.
Taking a week off isn’t going to stop collapse. Ignoring something doesn’t make it go away.
Worrying about something you can’t control isn’t going to make things better either.
Assuming it’s about control or that you can’t control it is the worst. There’s always something we can do about our problems. To think otherwise is to allow yourself to be consumed by them.
I feel like you didn’t read the linked article. Am I right?
I feel like you didn’t read the Stoics. Start here:
Worrying about shit outside of your control is not just unproductive, it’s counterproductive as it’s distracting you from stuff that actually is in your control.
Rationalizing fears, justifying inaction. It’s too late, there’s nothing we can do. If your reaction to climate and collapse is to do nothing, you are part of the problem. Learn about overshoot and aerosol demasking. Read Limits to Growth and get back to me.
Where exactly did I advocate to do nothing?
Do something. Do nothing. Worry, don’t worry. It doesn’t matter. Collapse is inevitable.
Link doesn’t work for me
Try this one.
Getting downvoted for being right. Feels good man.