Just wanted to prove that political diversity ain’t dead. Remember, don’t downvote for disagreements.
Freedom of speech for absolutely everyone, especially people I disagree with and that disagree with me
I believe that the vast majority of people are inherently good, and that tribalism and political divisiveness are some of the biggest issues we have to face.
Political differences arise mostly from different values, fears, education (or lack thereof), etc, but most people if you get to know them believe what they do because they believe it is genuinely good. But increasingly politics is focused on vilifying others, instead of trying to understand each other.
Y’all don’t need to keep adding things to lgbtq or lgbt+. The q or + takes care of everything
I believe that the stance against nuclear power (specifically, nuclear fission, as opposed to radioisotope power used by spacecraft) by greens undermines the fight to stop global warming, and that many of the purported issues with nuclear power have been solved or were never really issues in the first place.
For instance: the nuclear waste produced by old-gen reactors can be used by newer generations.
I’m going to expect a lot of dislikes for this one…
Neutering/Spaying is animal abuse.
Stop out-woking one another, it’s okay to be right silently in order to bring in fence sitters.
If someone says, “my spirit animal told me late-stage capitalism is evil” welcome them to the club with open arms, focus on how you’re alike and trust them to work out their faux pas over time spent among like-minded peers.
Also cultural appropriation ≠ exploitation, we can stop clutching our collective pearls over these faux pas.
I am very very very left wing, BUT I can get really annoyed with a lot of those “on my side” advocating for the most idealist of all idealism, as if it’s a contest. Feels like a competition of “who’s the bestest and mostest leftist of all”. You scare people away and - not justifying it - but I get why some people get upset with “the left” because of this…
I’m far left, but I believe that any citizen should be allowed to own any gun.
I don’t like extreme leftists (they live in a bubble) but they’ve been right about everything and they are our best chance at resolving economic disparity
I don’t like racism against white people or sexism against men. Do I think they’re less urgent or worrying than bigotry directed at other groups? Sure. There’s less hate against men and whites compared to other groups, and bigotry against them doesn’t have the same social or political impact due to current systemic racism and sexism being directed at others. But bigotry is still bigotry, and I don’t like bigotry against anyone.
Mental health focused communities exascerbate their members’ issues
Immigration is universally a roaring net positive in all of history ; economically, socially, everything. It’s more than disinformation when they spew talking points. It’s hate. And most people complicit are just fully ignorant. USA lost their empire due to lack of education. Every other first world nations have their success in lockstep with the level of education they give their kids. A heist of all wealth has been conducted and you are viewing the aftermath. Elon will find your coffers empty. The real treasure, turns out, was the people.
We should try harder to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals, sometimes taxation is necessary and sometimes it’s beneficial even if we don’t factor in revenue, people will sometimes make decisions that are so bad that we have a moral obligation to intervene in order to protect them from the most disastrous outcomes
Lessee… I suppose my hottest take is that no lives are sacred. I believe that human expansion into more ‘wild’ domains is a mistake and that national and state parks’ availability should be limited (geographically - you may not venture into the Deep Parks). This probably borders on some vaguely eco-fascy beliefs, and I recognize human’s inexorable curiousity and desire to explore, but you will never find me mourning a human victim of a wild animal.
That progressive people should prioritize economic equality ahead of social issues.