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it’s like the words picnic and thanksgiving in their american-specific contexts: with both words no longer carry the connotation that implies lynching black people or giving thanks to god for genociding native americans; the present day version of both of these words, along with ricing, is neutral now.
it should have, but it wasn’t and now it’s part of modern pop culture lexicon and i’m 100% onboard with divorcing words from thier ugly, painful history.
It is important to understand the context of a word. Many words and phrases have racist origins, including many words you likely use without knowing. Meanings change, and that’s not a bad thing. If people hurt by the term pushed for it to stop being used, I would of course respect this. I have never seen who could be targeted with the term be offended by its usage in the Linux community.
Currently, the majority of people who talk about Linux customization call it “ricing”, and none of them are doing it with ill intent. Look at the replies to your comment, most of them didn’t even know this until you brought it up. What is the point in holding onto the negative history of a word that is no longer used in that way?
You’ll have to excuse my ignorance, I’ve been a petrolhead all my life and the only context I’ve ever heard it used is to derogatorily describe modified Japanese cars. The people on the receiving end definitely took offense to it, because that was the intention.
The person you replied to isn’t entirely wrong, though.
“ricing” was a term in use in the car modding scene around the 80s and 90s especially, where among certain groups it was popular to modify Japanese import cars with kits and decals etc to mimic the look of the Japanese racing scene.
Some people considered these mods to be tacky and worthless because they usually tended to focus more on aesthetics than performance, purely tricking the car up visually with no other changes. Due to the Asian origin of these mods and the stereotype that Asians eat a lot.of rice, the cars were insultingly dubbed “rice burners” or " ricers" and the process of doing it “ricing”
It was intended 100% as an insult, basically meaning “Your car looks like shit because of all that Asian stuff you put on it”
Like many insults of course, the insult is often “reclaimed” by the group it targets, who begin to use it between themselves in a favourable way, without any insult or negative connotation.
Ricing in the context of computers where people are styling, theming and “tricking out” their desktop almost certainly was borrowed from the car scene.
By this point there is basically no negative intent around the term at all, and especially not racist, but the place the term came from was.
ricing was a pejorative word that used to describe what people did to japanese & korean cars; but it’s stopped carrying that connotation in a similar manner to the words picnic and thanksgiving.
Is no one going to comment on the racial slur that is “ricing”?
please take your racism elsewhere, sir
it’s like the words picnic and thanksgiving in their american-specific contexts: with both words no longer carry the connotation that implies lynching black people or giving thanks to god for genociding native americans; the present day version of both of these words, along with ricing, is neutral now.
We don’t consider it to be neutral, and we remove posts that use the term.
never heard that one before
It just seems like it could have very easily been replaced with “customization” without the conflict.
it should have, but it wasn’t and now it’s part of modern pop culture lexicon and i’m 100% onboard with divorcing words from thier ugly, painful history.
for me; it’s like owning the word “queer”
The thing about picnics having their origin in lynchings is a myth.
It is important to understand the context of a word. Many words and phrases have racist origins, including many words you likely use without knowing. Meanings change, and that’s not a bad thing. If people hurt by the term pushed for it to stop being used, I would of course respect this. I have never seen who could be targeted with the term be offended by its usage in the Linux community.
Currently, the majority of people who talk about Linux customization call it “ricing”, and none of them are doing it with ill intent. Look at the replies to your comment, most of them didn’t even know this until you brought it up. What is the point in holding onto the negative history of a word that is no longer used in that way?
You’ll have to excuse my ignorance, I’ve been a petrolhead all my life and the only context I’ve ever heard it used is to derogatorily describe modified Japanese cars. The people on the receiving end definitely took offense to it, because that was the intention.
Dude what??
The person you replied to isn’t entirely wrong, though.
“ricing” was a term in use in the car modding scene around the 80s and 90s especially, where among certain groups it was popular to modify Japanese import cars with kits and decals etc to mimic the look of the Japanese racing scene.
Some people considered these mods to be tacky and worthless because they usually tended to focus more on aesthetics than performance, purely tricking the car up visually with no other changes. Due to the Asian origin of these mods and the stereotype that Asians eat a lot.of rice, the cars were insultingly dubbed “rice burners” or " ricers" and the process of doing it “ricing”
It was intended 100% as an insult, basically meaning “Your car looks like shit because of all that Asian stuff you put on it”
Like many insults of course, the insult is often “reclaimed” by the group it targets, who begin to use it between themselves in a favourable way, without any insult or negative connotation.
Ricing in the context of computers where people are styling, theming and “tricking out” their desktop almost certainly was borrowed from the car scene.
By this point there is basically no negative intent around the term at all, and especially not racist, but the place the term came from was.
Ignore the braindead replies, this was really informative.
using linux is a slur now
Yes that’s definitely what I meant 🙄
my friend’s dad’s brother uses arch
What what?
ricing was a pejorative word that used to describe what people did to japanese & korean cars; but it’s stopped carrying that connotation in a similar manner to the words picnic and thanksgiving.