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Damn squirrels. 🐿️

Look how they massacred my boy. I didn’t mind them occasionally helping themselves, but now they’ve ruined it for everyone for the foreseeable future. At least the camera module and solar panel are okay, so maybe I can design and build something more resilient to these infernal rodents. Shame on #BirdBuddy that their feeder can’t withstand a seven foot drop onto grass.

#squirrels #birdfeeder #ThisMeansWar

    44 months ago

    Oh no, hope the camera is okay!

    I’ve never had the squirrels mess with my Bird Buddy, but they try to get into all the other feeders!

    • CrimeDadOPA
      44 months ago

      Fortunately, the camera is unscathed as far I can tell. I think the design makes it a little bit awkward for them, but I bet if you let your other feeders go empty and they will eventually figure out how to exploit your Bird Buddy.