Councillor Lisa Robinson tried to equate the swastika with the anti-racism Black power raised fist, calling it a “symbol of hate” common to “Communist and Marxist ideologies.”
Just *having *the debate was what she wanted. Now she gets to grift on “freeze peaaaach!” and how she’s so persecuted, plus the lie about BLM == Marxism gets more oxygen.
This is the most wild deranged centrist take I’ve heard in a while. Like sure the Nazis have their hateful symbols but so do the other sides, and in that way they are totally equivalent.
That’s not a centrist take
She’s a nazi, she frequently appears as a guest on a neo-nazi podcast.
Her followers kept sending in threats so they had to move council to online only for safety
Then her followers called in with a bunch of nazi imagery on their camera that prompted this ban proposal
Lisa’s scared of fists for some reason obvs.
Lisa’s a bit confused.
Lisa’s a bit
A symbol of equality is similar to a symbol of genocide? I love American conservatives
Edit : sorry to everyone I started to use American for the continent and US-Americans for the shithole but forgot that it is not wide in use. Sorry to everyone all Canadians I angered, squared screws rock
This is in Canada…
Sorry, I used American for the continent. I took the habit of using usamerican for USA
Not yet, guy.
Sorry, I used American for the continent. I took the habit of using usamerican for USA