When people can pay ten times the cost of a whole-ass game, for one tiny thing in a game they already bought, and any one game pushes a thousand such absurd schemes - scam is the closest word I know.
The money being taken is hilariously disconnected from any form of value or cost, even when it’s not something literally free, like letting you modify your own character on your own computer. It was a bit much when The Sims and a couple expansions could run you a couple hundred dollars. When buying everything in one generic game totals the cost of a fucking house, that’s a crime with more steps.
Let’s go with a simple approach: is anyone giving money for something where they don’t fully understand what they are getting in return. That is, they don’t know they are getting a decoration or unlocking a character or whatever?
Variations on a scam.
It’s not exactly a scam, though, is it. Are the game companies committing fraud?
When people can pay ten times the cost of a whole-ass game, for one tiny thing in a game they already bought, and any one game pushes a thousand such absurd schemes - scam is the closest word I know.
The money being taken is hilariously disconnected from any form of value or cost, even when it’s not something literally free, like letting you modify your own character on your own computer. It was a bit much when The Sims and a couple expansions could run you a couple hundred dollars. When buying everything in one generic game totals the cost of a fucking house, that’s a crime with more steps.
Let’s go with a simple approach: is anyone giving money for something where they don’t fully understand what they are getting in return. That is, they don’t know they are getting a decoration or unlocking a character or whatever?