What if when we die, we respawn, as another human, or even, another species.
Each life, from birth to death is a roguelike run.
Weew, if it too difficult, will you reset for new run :v ? Just kidding. But also, I know that modern roguelike game have something to make you stronger, and inherited into new run, on and on. Kind of permanent upgrades.
So, perhaps, if this run too hard, endure it. Which will make you “get-gud”, and hope for some useful bonus, permanent upgrades for further runs.
What do you think ?
Why are y’all hating on existential questions? The answer is unknowable. Just have fun with it~
I feel like I am so close to realize something. I just need some inspiration, so I share here for bro to come and learn the world with me.
Because the answer is pretty simple, if we leave the superstitions at the door…
Is it? I don’t remember any past lives and neither do other people I know. Seems like a pretty clear no.
You could arguee that it does happen and you just don’t remember, but that’s functionally the same as not being reincarnated.