Putte is a Swedish name that is commonly used to talk down to a person, calling them small, it is similar to Putin, and I like insulting dickheads with imperial dreams.
As for the “illegal” dissolution of the Soviet Union, that is a different discussion and happened 22 years before the invasion of Crimea, and can’t be used as an excuse for the invasion in any rational argument based in reality.
Putte is a Swedish name that is commonly used to talk down to a person, calling them small, it is similar to Putin, and I like insulting dickheads with imperial dreams.
As for the “illegal” dissolution of the Soviet Union, that is a different discussion and happened 22 years before the invasion of Crimea, and can’t be used as an excuse for the invasion in any rational argument based in reality.
Oh, the irony
Pop quiz, what is the largest country in the world by geographical size?
“Imperialism is when you own land, I am very smart.”
So it’s both, got it.
It’s not an excuse, it’s a cause. It causes regional instability that eventually results in a civil war in 2013 that escalates further in 2022