I only have a familiarity with Christianity and the “no other gods before me” thing. I am curious what other religions have to say about it.
I only have a familiarity with Christianity and the “no other gods before me” thing. I am curious what other religions have to say about it.
I think that’s baked into all the abrahamic religions. The Old Testament says so, and the Quaran also doesn’t like heretics, especially apostasy is considered really bad. As far as I know the death penalty is how to deal with apostates in Islam. But it’s not really better in christianity or judaism, the same tribal concept of extinguishing rival tribes is in the Old Testament and Torah. All these religions believe in the same god. So theoretically they’re more compatible with each other than for example with atheists or people believing in different or multiple gods. Or people renouncing their ways.
You can have a look at buddhism, hinduism etc to find a different perspective, indigenous beliefs, pantheism or agnosticism. Or the ancient greeks, romans or egypts or maya civilization. They all have a very different view than we have with our abrahamic God.
I personally like science. Just because it’s the only sane approach to knowledge. And it has proven to be the way that delivers the goods. And I think this and the observations I made contradict with the existence of any God. And we should not base our decisions on ancient tribal beliefs, so I’m not okay with any of the Gods who tell people what to do and what not to do. I link proper philosophy and progress in what we deem to be our current ethics.
Abrahamic religions do not have death written for apostasy that’s just some weird spooky myth Redditors tell
I’m afraid you’re wrong, though.
And I’ve talked to refugees who fled countries in fear of being killed for who they are. Ever heard of ISIS, the jihad? islamic state or sharia law? Wikipedia tells me it doesn’t happen that often in countries like Saudi Arabia or Qatar… And it’s mostly extra-judicial, not legal executions. But it’s in the scripture. And also part of the law of a dozen countries. And I’m pretty sure there has been some genocide out of similar reasons in the wars in Syria and Afghanistan in recent times.
And regarding the christians: What’s with the entire medieval times? And what was the whole point of the crusades? Christinity was in an open, bloody war against the heretics for centures. And I think they tortured apostates to death. Currently most of us don’t do corporal punishment or death penalty any more. But we sometimes shun apostates and make their lives miserable.
I don’t see a myth here…
I think the trick here is “written”. I can’t speak for Islam, but the Bible says nothing about killing all infidels and apostates. Maybe some old papal decrees endorse it if you’re catholic.
Killing people for being different or questioning your ways is a time-honoured tradition for everyone.
I don’t think it is very important what exactly is written down. These books contain lots of contradictions. And they’re made to a degree so people can find what they’re looking for. It’s all interpretation and the same book can and has been cited to start wars, kill the neighbors, sell them to slavery, torture people. Or be nice to them. Considering societal norms and killing people: It’s all in there, you can oftentimes pick.
And I’m not sure what’s in the old testament. As I know it, it probably also doesn’t talk negatively about killing apostates. It’s probably at least allowed to kill them. I haven’t opened a bible in 20 years, I’d need to look it up. if it’s there, it’s probably with all the “their blood shall be upon them.” lines in leviticus.