Fucking ghouls, we have the hottest 2 weeks in human history yet they dont do anything. Chop off their heads and redistribute their wealth
We are fucked. These G20 meetings seem kind of useless lately.
Also I wonder how many of these “environmental ministers” used private jets to get to the conference. Tone deaf assholes.
At this point the best thing that summit can do for the environment is stop occurring
I’m shocked! Who could’ve seen this coming?? /s
But seriously, the world is fucking boiling right now and these people can’t agree to some standards?
People that would lose a tiny margin of their profits would absolutely let the world burn instead, along with all biodiversity.
So, water & food related
mass migrationswar, here we come!
Some paragraphs for tl;dr:
The discussions with China, Saudi Arabia, and on climate issues with Russia had been “complicated”, he added.
Major oil producers fear the impact of drastic mitigation on their economies, and Russia and Saudi Arabia were blamed for the lack of progress in Goa.
Reports of Saudi and Chinese resistance, he added, “fly in the face of their claims of defending the interests of developing countries”.
Why are we even consulting with oil barons on the Environment in 2023?
Won’t someone please think of the poor poor billionaires?
the proof that the planet is fucked, and it’s doomed to end us.