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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Of course, it’s a grad user saying this bullshit. The end of fighting means Ruzzia has won. They captured territory, killed tens of thousands, raped women and children alike and you want them to get away with it. It’s not about peace, because Ruzzia will never want piece. All it wants is subjugation of those they deem inferior. This conflict wont end if you end fighting. They will simply regroup and attack in a few years again. If you think ending the fight will end the war you are fucking delusional.

  • And then people wonder why everyone hates China. “Why do people complain when they claim territory that isn’t theirs?!?! US dID iT tOo!!!1!”

    Dunno, tell me in last 30 years, when did US commit and kept commiting an active genocide? Do they suppress other language than american? Do they tell Canadians or Mexicans that they “belong” to them and feint invasion?

    As a european, its good to have US by our side because I know that when a shit dictatorship shithole like China or Ruzzia attacks, they will be the first to bomb them to the stone ages.

    Fuck China. Fuck Ruzzia. And fuck anyone who supports them.