Something I do not see discussed enough in this context is the fact that whether or not Trump or any other potential asset is an actual knowing asset or not has no bearing on whether they act in the interests of the Russian government. If he does something in the interests of the Russian government it doesn’t really make that much of a difference if he is doing it knowingly or not. The effect of his actions is the same, the only difference is how likely you think he is to do another thing in the interests of the Russian government.
If he weakens the western alliances, withdraws from NATO, creates economic chaos, and makes everyone poorer then the Russian government benefits. Regardless of the cause of his behaviours they are still damaging, he is still destroying the US government, he is still hurting all sorts of people, and he is still destroying the global economy.
Asset or useful idiot, he is still setting the world on fire.
“Krasnov” means “reddish.” Like someone with orange hair and skin.
If it quacks like a duck…
if it leaks shit out of both ends, it must be full of it.
At this point I really don’t know whether to believe that Trump is literally a Russian asset. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, we need to wait for actual evidence to know for sure.
But I’m finding it more interesting right now watching how people are reacting to the possibility that Trump is a Russian asset. I’m thinking a lot of people would rather believe that it was true, because that way it would mean America didn’t do this to themselves. Much nicer to believe that some Machiavellian spy plot had been pulled and America had been hoodwinked than to believe that America had simply elected this ridiculous parody of a human being because they wanted to.
I don’t have any evidence to suggest one way or the other that Trump is or is not a Russian asset. But I think the news-worthiness of this post is not necessarily the supposed turning of Trump, but with the story was scrubbed.
A notable news outlet merely reported something said by a well-known ex-intelligence operative. That is legitimate news. And if they got what the ex-intelligence operative said wrong typically, a news outlet would update the story and issue a retraction. Instead they just deleted it, and so did everyone else, and I think the reasons for that is a valuable thing to think about.
America did do that to themselves, either elected a evil, greedy and a complete moron, or a russian asset… or both…
In any case they did that, the ones that voted for him and the others that did not vote at all “since both parties are the same”
A large majority of his voter base has had Fox News propoganda shoved down their throats for the last 30 years. The division in this country was intentionally sowed by bad actors.
Trump, Putin, and Elon just used that division to manipulate his base, and twist the narrative into something they would accept. America was lied to
Anyone have an archive link? Gonna go digging for it. Hopefully it’s fake or inaccurate, I’d prefer the people up top to just be incompetent
Edit: seems fake to me. The source is just a Facebook post. I’m gonna be skeptical until we can get more information
I mean, didn’t the Mueller report heavily imply he received help from Russia?