It’s not so much a catch phrase, but words that I will always remember.
My grandmother was a WWII vet who came home and vowed to be a pacifist. She raised 7 kids before going back to school. She was at Kent State in 1970, working on her masters degree. She happened to be on the commons when bullets started flying.
She died ~2002. When we were cleaning out her belongings we came across a brown stained handkerchief in a plastic bag along with some news clippings. The clippings were her letter to the editor of the Akron Beacon Journal describing her experience on May 4th. The hanky had a little handwritten note that said “this is the blood of Allison Krause. Shed for many. May 4th, 1970”.
My grandmother was an amazing woman who did so many great things after the war. You could easily write a movie about her accomplishments. But out of everything she did, the words on that little note made the biggest impact on who I would grow to be.
“How are you ever gonna keep a job if you can’t keep juice in a cup?!”
I was 9 years old
Brutal 🤣🤌🏼
When my grandmother met my now wife, who is from Alabama, my grandmother told her “well, we all have to be from somewhere”
That to me sounds like a very northern state phrase. I can absolutely hear my grandma saying that (not saying you/they are, just made me smile thinking of that)
All my grandparents passed when I was young and I didn’t know them well. However, my uncle quotes his father quite a bit. General advice “Never do anything you wouldn’t want to read about in the paper.” Whenever he offers you something, or is jokingly telling you why you shouldn’t do something “It will make your babies come out naked and screaming” Also my mom’s side of the family has a common last name and my grandfather stated that if we met another person that shared our last name that we could accept them as family if they were “reasonably dressed, moderately sober, and not asking for money”
“You don’t have to shovel rain.” - My grandfather when asked why he moved the family from Wisconsin to Oregon.
Now, that’s wisdom I can get behind! 🤙🏼 (raised out yonder in the mitten, now happily left coast rooted)
My grandmother used to say: if you expect your good deed to be reciprocated, you’re not actually doing a good deed.
She said it in dutch, so I hope it’s an decent translation.
I’ve heard this one put similarly: “If you’re looking for something in return, even your good deeds are an extension of your selfishness.”
“Better an empty house, than a bad tenant” after every loud fart.
i use a very similar one, in german we say: everything that doesn’t pay rent gets thrown out
When my 89 yo grandma accidentally farts she says “oops I stepped on a duck.”
Lol! My grandma would say, “it was a frog!”
From my grandma (who got it from her father):
“Of course the story is true, it just didn’t happen”
Essentially, the story is more important than the actual event.
Sound like a motto for Reddit lol
“Tables are for glasses, not asses.”
~ My grandpa, whenever someone sat on a table.When they didn’t get a hug first, we’d get “What am I, chopped liver.”
My grandmother would describe the phenomenon of raining while the sun is shining as The Devil beating his wife.
The South African version is “a monkey’s wedding”.
Yo what the fuck
Everytime my Nana would send an email or leave a voicemail, she would sign off “Ciao for now!”
The same one I’m still using today: “Kill all Nazis.”
‘Whits fur ye will no’ go past ye’ - what’s for you will not go past you
My wee Scottish granny had some real wisdom.
‘No point in worrying about somethin cos if it happens ye suffer twice!’
My parents used these hahhaa. And the classic for when you’ve had enough of someone “go get in the sea”
After reading this comment, I was going to ask what “get tae fook” meant, but then I clocked your username and now I’m not sure that’s so wise.
Hahaha. Yeah. That means basically fuck off, get fucked.