I was part of the digg migration to Reddit
Same. Digg was the first site I frequented, then migrated to reddit with the v4 exodus.
Sorry, I’ve been hearing about this for some time and I don’t know the story behind it. Can someone please explain the enshittification that happened with digg? How good was it before and how bad was it after?
It was amazing but I was young and it was wonderful to discover. I think people have fond memories for it really.
It’s very similar to Lemmy, if not just the same thing done a different way. I think there were only upvotes (I can Digg it).
For young people discovering Lemmy, as it is now, and discovering Linux subreddits etc, they probably get the same enjoyment/attachment etc.
The redesign of Digg downplayed it’s communities and put mainstream media first (as if Kbins magazine tool was restricted to famous newspapers) and thus it immediately felt like the community had been fractured. Reddit was growing with peoples own blogs and it felt way more community oriented. This is where I think and hope Lemmy will also find its own community.
Same. This all feels so similar, but different at the same time. In a good way tho.
Yeah, same. I left a bit before the mass exodus, just like I did with Reddit -> Lemmy. I also joined IRC a bit before the Eternal September.
I feel like some sort of herald of Eternal September. So if your social media site is suddenly full of clueless morons, you can just blame me.
I switched from slashdot to Digg. Digg to Reddit when Digg started censoring the Blu-Ray decryption key (before v4), then was on Reddit until RIF shut down. I’m scheduled to get my 16 year badge this year I think. I haven’t posted or commented since RIF shut down though.
I’m debating whether to sell my account or delete it. $75 could buy a lot of printer filament.
16-year Reddit account here. It was the HD-DVD encryption key leak in early 2007.
Slashdot -> Digg -> Reddit -> Lemmy. Back then, web servers didn’t have a lot of resources. So if a Digg post was popular, it could slow the site to a crawl. Then we all knew the site was being “Digged”.
I used Digg and it was great while it lasted.
I am not sure how many years I used Digg. In the rear-view mirror, it feels like a temporary gig between Slashdot and Reddit.
Not only Digg, but I also watched Tech TV and was on forums I can’t even remember the names of. I’m still using IRC.
deleted by creator
I left shortly after the HD-DVD fiasco. When people talk about the Digg migration, this is what I think of. Looks like there was another mass migration years afterwards
Me! I was a huge fan of Kevin Rose due to TechTV and jumped on board as soon as he released it.
There will never be someone as cool as Kate awkwardly dancing and saying “it’s menus a-poppin today on windows tips”
Leo Laporte was the bomb.
Learned about digg and started using it only for it to die a few months later. Discovered Reddit back in the 2010s while searching for Bodyweight fitness advice and stayed till the API fiasco.
Digging Lemmy now (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
I remember visiting Reddit and StumbledUpon and thinking to myself how ugly these sites were compared to my beloved Digg
I was one of a group of power users alongside mrbabyman and a few others that probably collectively amounted to 90% of the frontpage of the site.
how did the power user payola compare to xi bucks?
It was trash I didn’t even get mentioned in an Old Spice ad.