On Doomsday, ever since the womb ‘Til I’m back where my brother went, that’s what my tomb will say
Right above my government; Dumile. Either unmarked or engraved, hey, who’s to say?
-MF Doom, Doomsday
I really love the wordplay with his government name ‘Dumile’ having a double meaning of ‘Doom’ll lay’. There are a bunch of other MF Doom lyrics in contention for goat status, in my opinion.
I never listen to him myself, but everything I hear of his lyrics are genius on another level, I’m unsure anybody else can really compete, at least not as consistently
On Doomsday, ever since the womb ‘Til I’m back where my brother went, that’s what my tomb will say
Right above my government; Dumile. Either unmarked or engraved, hey, who’s to say?
-MF Doom, Doomsday
I really love the wordplay with his government name ‘Dumile’ having a double meaning of ‘Doom’ll lay’. There are a bunch of other MF Doom lyrics in contention for goat status, in my opinion.
“Lookie here, it’s just the way the cookie tear, prepare to get hurt and mangled like Kurt Angle, rookie year.” -Great Day
DOOMS lyrics are insane.
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I never listen to him myself, but everything I hear of his lyrics are genius on another level, I’m unsure anybody else can really compete, at least not as consistently