Why would he do that, when he could smart-ass his way into a legally binding contract to buy Twitter for much more money, and then trash it until it’s interchangeable with Truth?
Though I must say I’m still upset at the losers that are still on twitter.
I feel like people changed drastically over the last two decades and are more likely to accept being fucked in the ass by corporations.
Remember what happened to digg when they changed the site to control the articles that are being posted? Or to Myspace when it was purchased by Murdoch?
What the hell happened?
Normies happened.
Digg was nerds and MySpace was teens. Each left their site for different reasons. Neither was popular with mainstream society as a whole.
Twitter is normies and normies don’t really give a shit, happy to live in the status quo never changing.
Isn’t it just a Mastodon instance?
Yup, and the Mastodon devs almost took them to court for stealing their code. Of course at the last minute Trump Media published their changes to Mastodon to adhere to the GPL.
GPL works again, though maybe not much useful to merge back from Trump Media…
Some opera company could make a killing putting on Pagliacci with trump as Canio.
Literally nobody cares