I’m as anti-fascist as the next person, but protecting a company from vandalism isn’t as fascist as you seem to want to think it is. Vandalism is illegal. They are law enforcement. That’s how that relationship works.
Would you say the same thing if they stood in front of a business that was under threat of being vandalized by MAGA clowns because they are publicly pro-diversity? At best I’d say the argument lies in the fact that they probably don’t need that many people, but we don’t really know what the reason was to load up that many stooges to protect that particular location.
Maybe some dumbass called in a threat?
Either way… go on and downvote away. I’m fully aware this isn’t the place for nuanced discussion.
Would you say the same thing if they stood in front of a business that was under threat of being vandalized by MAGA clowns because they are publicly pro-diversity?
Show me that news article.
At best I’d say the argument lies in the fact that they probably don’t need that many people, but we don’t really know what the reason was to load up that many stooges to protect that particular location.
It’s a hypothetical. Look around. Communities like this use hypotheticals as the entire basis of their arguments seemingly ALL the time.
Show of fascist force.
By account of excessive use of persons? I’d agree. It’s wasteful. But stepping aside and allowing people to vandalize property just because it aligns with your personal belief is now how things work. This opens the gates for others to justify destroying your shit because they disagree with it.
Oh, and it doesn’t take being “Elon” to think it takes a dumbass to threaten physical damage to a person or place because they disagree with the owner’s politics-
It just takes being a mature adult that understands how nuance works.
lol! There it is! I was wondering how long it would take before one of you broke out the “you’re a Nazi because you think it’s okay for police to stop vandalism!”
I’ll go ahead and tag you as a waste of time to avoid further discussions that devolve into bullshit false-accusations.
“you’re a Nazi because you think it’s okay for police to stop vandalism!”
Obviously I was talking about Elon Musk throwing Nazi salutes and welcome Nazis onto his online platform, and obviously you were waiting for someone to bring up how Elon Musk is a Nazi, because you are fully aware Elon Musk is a Nazi.
If you decide to die on the hill protecting a Nazi, you’ll be known as the guy who died on the hill protecting a Nazi.
Nothing I said was protecting a Nazi. I’m simply stating that vandalism and destruction of property is illegal- regardless of one’s beliefs.
Would I shed a tear for him if he lost this entire company to a fucking sinkhole? Nope. But I won’t applaud people violating someone’s property because they don’t agree with it.
But… YOU took what I said to mean it’s protecting a Nazi. Because using bad faith to overcome nuance in a discussion is the only way you can argue.
I guess I’m just saying it’s fascism because they always seem to protect the same side. Big business and the rich and powerful. We’re still missing the main parts of it being a dictator controlling who’s targeted, so we’re using the word hyperbolically.
I’m as anti-fascist as the next person, but protecting a company from vandalism isn’t as fascist as you seem to want to think it is. Vandalism is illegal. They are law enforcement. That’s how that relationship works.
Would you say the same thing if they stood in front of a business that was under threat of being vandalized by MAGA clowns because they are publicly pro-diversity? At best I’d say the argument lies in the fact that they probably don’t need that many people, but we don’t really know what the reason was to load up that many stooges to protect that particular location.
Maybe some dumbass called in a threat?
Either way… go on and downvote away. I’m fully aware this isn’t the place for nuanced discussion.
Show me that news article.
Show of fascist force.
Yeah, Elon.
It’s a hypothetical. Look around. Communities like this use hypotheticals as the entire basis of their arguments seemingly ALL the time.
By account of excessive use of persons? I’d agree. It’s wasteful. But stepping aside and allowing people to vandalize property just because it aligns with your personal belief is now how things work. This opens the gates for others to justify destroying your shit because they disagree with it.
Oh, and it doesn’t take being “Elon” to think it takes a dumbass to threaten physical damage to a person or place because they disagree with the owner’s politics-
It just takes being a mature adult that understands how nuance works.
Your hypothetical that never applies to the real world is not “nuance”.
“The owners politics” is Nazism.
If you decide to die on the hill protecting a Nazi, you’ll be known as the guy who died on the hill protecting a Nazi.
lol! There it is! I was wondering how long it would take before one of you broke out the “you’re a Nazi because you think it’s okay for police to stop vandalism!”
I’ll go ahead and tag you as a waste of time to avoid further discussions that devolve into bullshit false-accusations.
Obviously I was talking about Elon Musk throwing Nazi salutes and welcome Nazis onto his online platform, and obviously you were waiting for someone to bring up how Elon Musk is a Nazi, because you are fully aware Elon Musk is a Nazi.
Nothing I said was protecting a Nazi. I’m simply stating that vandalism and destruction of property is illegal- regardless of one’s beliefs.
Would I shed a tear for him if he lost this entire company to a fucking sinkhole? Nope. But I won’t applaud people violating someone’s property because they don’t agree with it.
But… YOU took what I said to mean it’s protecting a Nazi. Because using bad faith to overcome nuance in a discussion is the only way you can argue.
I didn’t say you were doing that, I said if you were doing that.
Sure, once upon a time, freeing slaves was illegal - regardless of one’s beliefs.
Nice save….
I guess I’m just saying it’s fascism because they always seem to protect the same side. Big business and the rich and powerful. We’re still missing the main parts of it being a dictator controlling who’s targeted, so we’re using the word hyperbolically.
That’s not what fascism is.
I swear, that definition seems to change per-topic to cover whatever the popular opinion needs it to.
That “if” carries a heavy load.
But it doesn’t.