I haven’t used a clock in years that I need to manually reset. Older people don’t seem to realize clocks on phones and other devices reset automatically.
I haven’t used a clock in years that I need to manually reset. Older people don’t seem to realize clocks on phones and other devices reset automatically.
The real conversation is why the fucking fuck are we still doing the time change shit??? Push your local representative to get their head out of their ass and vote to stop day light savings bullshit. I thought it was passed already and waiting to be instilled but apparently I was wrong and the fucking bill is still stuck in congress.
I’m personally a fan of permanent DST. People around me always comment that they’d be going to work in the dark in the winter if we had permanent DST. Buddy, we live in Canada, we already do in the winter.
I can’t lie, I really did enjoy daylight savings. Leaving work and still having lots of sunshine time was awesome, made me feel really alive. Leaving work when it’s already dark outside is kinda depressing.
Though obviously changing time itself is very impractical, would be much easier to just change our working hours right? Yet it seems like getting companies to let their workers leave even 30m earlier is akin to pulling teeth 😒
Parents don’t like their young children going to school in the dark, basically.
Also, farmers.Edit: Apparently, not farmers.This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
So why not shift the school starting time instead?
Homie I live in Farmersville, USA and there isn’t a fuckbilly from here to Hicktown, USA that is guna bitch about the time it says on the clock vs what they have to do in the time they have with the sun up.
As far as schools, I stand by my point. Maybe it’ll make the idiots dumb enough to invest in a crotch fruit or two totake a look at the learning efficiency of kids and teens after the 5 hr mark. It’s dumb as fuck having kids go to school 35 hrs a week or whatever it may be.
I’ll take you at your word as being right, since you have “boots on the ground”.
For what its worth, I’ve watched plenty of interviews on news shows about it over many years, and it allways gets said that farmers want DST. But apparently that’s not true.
What the hell does that have to do with parents not wanting their children waiting for the morning bus in the dark? Edit: Not that I’m necessarily disagreeing with you, just saying that’s not the point I’m making.
This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Shortening the school day would kill two birds with one stone, they’d start later so they aren’t going to school in the dark, and also improving a child’s learning efficiency by not burning them out.