Here is Monday’s puzzle this week! We have a fix in the pipeline for the last letter issue in the scramble on mobile, but that shouldn’t affect this puzzle. Still ideal on desktop for now!
Hope you enjoy!
- Solve the grid using the clues provided. The direction of the word is indicated by the number around the grid (so some words are backwards).
- After you complete the grid, click the pencil icon tab at the bottom to switch over to solve the anagram. The title is a hint to the anagram!
Neat, also cool concept I forgot to add that lol
I think there should also be an option to share results and copy it to the clipboard like wordle does with the emojis, like maybe show which squares the player got wrong before getting them right
Something like
And to prevent it from being too long, limit how many times the player can submit/check the answers. That also makes a loss condition as well, and prioritizes maintaining a streak
There absolutely needs to be a social share option. I’ve been mulling on it for a while now and haven’t come up with something I’m completely happy with yet. I do like the grid layout you have here though so I’ll see if I can incorporate that into my current line of thinking for it! Maybe it stays as a single grid, but 1 instance of a wrong letter in a cell gets you a yellow, but 2 or more wrong letter instances gets you a red? Ideally the anagram portion is represented somehow as well, perhaps with a similar system!
As for the puzzle checking, I’m contemplating an easy and hard mode. Easy mode would allow checking at any time, and checking would also lock in correct letters for both grid and anagram. Hard mode only tells you if the grid or anagram is correct, and perhaps a limit could be enforced! I’m more of the mind that if you complete the puzzle, your streak remains, but perhaps there could be tiers of streak (gold star for flawless complete, silver for a wrong letter or two, bronze for completing at all) - the stars could also be involved in the social sharing!