I chose the picture that shows the fewest mistakes 😆
It’s made from maple with a red oak cutting board from these plans
I didn’t find out red oak isn’t good for cutting boards until after it was made, so I’ll have to remake it some day. The good news is that it will only be used for cutting bread, so I think any bacterial growth will be pretty minimal
It’s my understanding that Oak not being good for cutting boards is in reference to end-grain cutting boards. Oak is very porous and soaks up too many juices (not a problem for bread), but it only really soaks stuff up from the end grain.
For an edge grain board like yours, Oak is a fine choice!
The only benefits of end grain are that it’s self healing after being sliced with a knife, and it’s a bit more forgiving and won’t dull the knife as much. Bamboo, which is very hard, can dull a knife for example.
For a bread knife, these don’t matter very much, so edge grain is 100% acceptable, and 1000x easier.