This wouldn’t work today as, often, craftsmen are paid more and are higher on social ladder than clerks. How would you adjust the criteria for modern-day working class check?
What? I understand this doesn’t really matter for your question but bolsheviks did not… A giant chunk of the Party was intelligentsia, just see Lenin’s biography. IDK where did you find that BS, bolsheviks didn’t shoot people left and right.
Family story. Maybe a fake one, I don’t know, there’s nobody alive to ask any more.
Ok, I’m not even a communist and I know that is absolutely a ridiculous bit of propaganda, and you should probably be ashamed for believing it. Do you also believe they had two heads and ate children?
I think that was just a set up for a fun question and probably wasn’t meant as part of a history lesson.
Is it really so ridiculous that armed people blinded by a belief system could do that?
It’s not. The Khmer Rouge shot people for wearing glasses. Glasses = literate = head filled with bourgeoise propaganda.
No, but it would take less to share propaganda.
Do you own a property/house/unit/flat that someone outside of your family lives in and pays you to live there.
Since when is having roommates upper-clsss?
They said “do you own” a property that other people pay you to live in. That’s the upper-class part.
Comrade, I wait tables for a living. Tell me again how not being able to pay my mortgage on my own makes me upper-class.
I’ve heard people who wait tables make a lot of money. When I have said previously that people who wait tables should have a minimum wage, people who wait tables have got quite angry.
I’m being sarcastic.
Just because the owning class exploits you, does not mean you are not also exploiting someone.
Plenty of stories about a long term “roommate” master tenant who charges other roommates market rate that exceeds the mortgage.
Do you a) Own a property b) that you don’t live in c) that other people who are not family members live in d) and those people pay you?
If not, you’re not the subject of that comment. If so, congrats on being in the very narrow overlap of the Venn diagram for waiters and landlords.
OP never said “that you don’t live in”, is the thing.
Ok, I could be more specific by saying a property you own but dont live at.
Fuck you kulak face the wall.
-Lemmygrad user replying to this after “the revolution” that makes them more equal than us.
Nice strawman have you ever talked to one of us
Appropriate that you should make Orwellian allusions. That guy was a racist, antisemitic, homophobic, backstabbing snitch: Orwell’s list. Animal Farm was Cold War agitprop, which the CIA airdropped on eastern Europe and made it into an animated film that you may have seen. It funded the film adaptation of 1984 as well.
Orwell be like “Yeah that guy? He’s a communist. How do I know… he’s. you know… black”
If people saw the original list he would universally be seen as an actual Nazi, which is why the Orwells are fighting so hard to keep it private. Based on what we know of him there’s no way in hell he didn’t also use “jewish” as the sole evidence someone was a communist.
Green bubbles
You slide down notification bar and if there’s not even one ad, please stand in front of that wall.
Oof. I’m gonna have to die because I rooted my phone? I’m not a fan of this one.
I have no idea what this means. If I don’t use apps with ads in them, what does that mean?
That you can afford premium versions or self-host
Or just don’t use apps that give ads in notifications??
I can’t afford premium apps and don’t self host, but my phone is ad free because I vehemently opposed advertising and refuse to install anything that isn’t ad free and pay free.
I use a combination of VLC, new pipe and Grayjay with an SD card.
This reads like the kind of westerner bullshit that’d also count dead nazis in the "victims of communism’ killcounts.
Quantity, quality, and condition of shoes.
I approve, mostly because I would pass this one, even though I’m a desk jockey.
Honestly, could easily be quantity, quality and condition of yachts, though.
Do you wear a name tag at your job?
/s and maybe /j
Depends on how you define “nametag.” I work at Amazon in an office, and we all have to wear badges, from the drones like me to the senior VPs. Same thing will be true at a lot of companies.
Is your name tag so that customers can call you by name, or is it a security badge that has your name/pic on it for ID purposes? Because they’re not the same, and nor are the jobs.
Stalin would visit everyone and ask for a single spoon of grain. If you were able to fill his giant spoon all the way, he would eat you alive.
Their ability to smile and nod while getting yelled at for something they can’t fix.
May not be applicable to certain trades, but in general if you’re able to tell people to fuck off, you’re relatively financially secure.
This post is unsubstantiated hearsay! You should know better than to make claims without any sort of evidence to back them up!
If you’re over 25 and can’t answer the question “how much is a typical security deposit”
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