• noisefree@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    !Biden!< As if any viable candidate for/holder of executive office at the federal level in the US has ever done anything but support the state of Israel lol. Just say “US”, since Trump was and would be arguably even more supportive of Israel. To put it another way, compare Biden’s tone (even if it’s ultimately meaningless) on Israel to that of any other US president - have any of the other presidents pissed off Likud to the degree that Biden has? (Well, there might have been something about Obama that they didn’t like, but I doubt any Likud officials ever managed to put their finger on it publicly.) The Biden admin is clearly shooting themselves in the foot here with the murky half-assed statements and actions here and in a perfect world they would have clear messaging and actions along the lines of the idea that sometimes supporting an alliance means forcing your ally to act correctly according to international law.

    Obviously, Palestinian civilians don’t deserve any of the horrors and injustices happening to them - we have international law for a reason and it should be upheld. Obviously the US is complicit in not upholding international law on behalf of Palestinian civilians and in aiding Netanyahu’s sociopathic, self preserving collective punishment campaign.

    That said, the GOP, whose members hate both Jews and Palestinians, (but is happy to support far right regimes however it can) is quite happy to see the left focus on the issue through the lens of blaming Biden and will continue to stir that sentiment in hopes of getting Trump in place again (whereupon everything will be worse). They must be laughing behind closed doors that this is being blamed on Biden and might get them in power where they will be much, much worse in every regard. Big picture, eye on the prize, etc…

    For those that care about Palestinian civilians, messaging needs to be akin to “Kill Hamas, not civilians!” in order to short-circuit right wing attempts to conflate support of Palestinian civilians with support of Hamas or crocodile tears over supposed antisemitism. I wouldn’t be surprised if later we find out that some of the “leaders” on the left are acting in bad faith, influenced by a certain foreign power to purposefully make the messaging easy for the right wing to attack. (I’m reminded of the phrase “defund the police,” which was so comically bad that it seemed almost like it was designed to sound unreasonable and to ensure there could be no productive public discourse. Agent provacateurs stirring up things up with bad faith messaging and actions to discredit the left wing is a classic right wing tactic.)

    Anyway, not directed specifically at you, just at the general sentiment. And, to be abundantly clear about my position on the specific thread topic: fuck threatening an ICC prosecutor, that’s atrocious.