On Wednesday the German government approved a bill for the controlled legalization of cannabis, which aims to decriminalize the possession of quantities of up to 25 grams and the s
Why is it dumb exactly? All lives are equally valuable and it’s enshrined in Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Poisoning yourself definitely goes against your right to life and of security of person
“We can’t effectively end murder so let’s just allow it, hitmen will stop earning money this way”
To compare getting high to murdering a person might be the most unfitting and dumb comparison I have heard in my whole life.
Both damage someone, even though using drugs mostly (but not only) hurts yourself
That is why it´s a very dumb comparison …
Why is it dumb exactly? All lives are equally valuable and it’s enshrined in Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Poisoning yourself definitely goes against your right to life and of security of person
Harm reduction is a well studied principle based on real science.
What sources do you have that legalizing murder will decrease the harm of it?
Therapy for addicts, Jail for murderers, rapist and shady bussinesspeople (and also therapy for all).
Yes, consumers need therapy, dealers need jailtime, but legalising it is just bs