Yep, they’ve got tons of lower ones now, it’s pretty popular
Yep, they’ve got tons of lower ones now, it’s pretty popular
Lol it does sound like a stable diffusion prompt
Why is Tom that color?
I’m willing to accept that there may be good pineapple pizza out there… but the question is WHY? It’s never going to be better than the established greats. Why are people infatuated with an inferior alternative? I don’t know man, but it keeps me up at night
I feel like that breaks at least a few laws lol
But… You can just download things to their deserved spot in the first place?? Why the extra step
This guy knows vampire shitting
They’re gonna build a firewall, and the US is gonna pay for it!
“This is the only context in which black holes even appear to suck matter in: as they absorb matter that undergoes gravitational infall due to the black hole’s mass”
I may not be the smartest of person but this article seems to contradict itself a little
I think it’s just fun to see Christian Bale convincingly play a psychopath lol
What the fuck are you doing to your floors?? Hardwood is easy to clean and doesn’t crack like tile.
Because a large portion of people are struggling and just don’t have the energy, time, or spirit to really devote to something that doesn’t affect their day-to-day rn. It’s not an excuse for them, it’s just a reality. It’s hard to stay informed when you have to constantly worry about how you balance work, sleep, bills, and food
You’re probably right, as I’m not an expert, so thanks for your input. I am still worried of how the stock market will change with the upcoming trainwreck
I just put extra money in a 5% high yield savings account. It’s not exciting, but there’s no risk and it will pay off over time
Just seems like something most users don’t care about much, virtual environments are mostly utilitarian
Mint pleb on desktop because it’s stable and just works, bazzite on steam deck for installing my own games.
This is my kind of thinking as well. While we may not be the only life in the universe, I imagine we’re not exactly a common occurrence. Uncommon enough that they have the slightest interest in keeping us from not existing lol. And when I say “us” I mean life in general on earth, not specifically humans. It would be a fair solution for an advanced species to remove humanity if it meant other life gets to live, and that’s unsettling/plausible.
Seriously, just say this OP. You being an introvert has nothing to do with saying the bare minimum. It’s honestly insulting using that as a crutch, introverts just don’t like extended social interaction and need time to recharge. We aren’t timid or frozen.
The vast majority of flashlights just go to your last setting with one click, what flashlights are you using that this is an issue?
I know it as really cold water