• 4 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2024


  • Antrag auf Verbannung des Wortes “rassig”.

    Das ist so orientalistisch, dass Said Pepe persönlich in den Boden stampfen würde.

    oh du rassige westliche schönheit ich liebe deinen okzidentalen touch jetzt verrat mir mal wie gut du mit diesen gallischen lippen umgehen kannst haha du kleine käseschöhnheit ich steh auf euch und eure braune kurzhaarfrisur sag mal was auf deiner waldsprache

  • Parking fines follow the costs-by-cause principle. Thus, qualifying them makes their size dependent on their damage.

    Parking in a fire department safety zone resulting in a delayed fire response can be costly, but even if no fire response was delayed, there’s an opportunity cost for the fire department, because they need to buy way-clearing devices or extended fire response tools, if there is high likelihood of blocked zones or passage.

    There is a whole department of economic science dealing with this, the internalisation of external costs into economic activity (carbon tax is an example).